About the podcast
As My Wimsey Takes Me is a monthly podcast hosted, recorded, and produced by Charis M. Ellison and Sharon Hsu. We’re long-time friends with two and a half English degrees between us, sleuthing our way through the Lord Peter Wimsey series by Dorothy L. Sayers.
For more about why we’re doing this project, listen to Episode 0, in which we discuss how we each came to love Lord Peter, how we got the idea for the podcast, and how much we’re dreading having to think about the train schedules in THE FIVE RED HERRINGS.
About Charis

Charis M. Ellison (pronounced like ‘charisma’ without the ‘ma’) is a writer, a body-positive fat girl, and a third culture kid with a buzzing ADHD brain. A military brat, Charis was homeschooled while moving across the US, living in six different states and three different countries before landing in Fort Worth, Texas. Now she creates fantastical displays and steers people to books they’ll love in her job at a small-town library. For more about Charis, find her on Twitter @agreyeyedgirl or visit her website.
About Sharon

Sharon Hsu unapologetically reads past her bedtime nearly every night. She’s a Modernist by training, writing part of a dissertation on classicism in British literature of the early 20th century (including Gaudy Night) before burning out on academia entirely. When not introducing readers to their new favorite titles at her editorial day job, she can be found chasing her toddler son at various playgrounds near her home in Oakland, California. For more about Sharon and links to her published work, find her on Twitter @pensyf or visit her website.
Our beautiful logo is by Gabi Vicioso.
Our theme music was composed and recorded by Sarah Meholick.
We use Bookshop.org affiliate links when linking to purchasable titles.